Fri, Mar 12
|Track CARE, Monterrey
53 New Lion Cup 2021
Summons the Athletics Association of the State of Nuevo León, AC Registrations are through the FMAA portal
Horario y ubicación
Mar 12, 2021, 3:00 PM CST
Track CARE, Monterrey, Av. Manuel L. Barragán S / N, Niños Héroes, Estrella, 64400 Monterrey, NL, Mexico
Acerca del evento
The Athletics Association of the State of Nuevo León AC in coordination and support of the State Institute of Physical Culture and Sports, with the endorsement of the Mexican Federation of Athletics Associations, CALLS on Institutions, teams and clubs to the 53rd Edition Copa Nuevo León 2021 .
Friday, March 12, 2020 from 3:00 p.m.
Saturday, March 13, 2021 from 8:00 a.m.
Sunday, March 14, 2021 from 8:00 a.m.
$ 300.00 (three hundred pesos 00/100 MN) per athlete
NOTE: Athlete registrations that do not include the personal brand of each athlete per event will not be accepted
Limited space: 400 athletes
Registrations through the portal of the Mexican Federation of Athletics Associations, AC https://www.fmaa-portal.com/
Each athlete will only be able to participate in 2 individual events and 1 relay as of the publication of this document, closing on March 5.
Deposit Account:
Make the payment in the BANORTE account 0156072354 branch 0156 in the name of the Nuevo León AC State Athletics Association
Note: if you need an invoice when you send the deposit slip, you must send the billing information, which will be sent by mail
TEL: (81) 15051798 Tuesday and Friday from 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Email: atletismonuevoleon@gmail.com
Web: www.asociaciondeatletismonl.com
CATEGORY: Only open, those who have the minimum marks will be accepted
BRANCH: Male and Female
100 meters, 200 meters, 400 meters, 800 meters, 1500 meters, 5000 meters, 10,000 meters, 3000 stp, 100/110 c / v, 400 c / v, 4x100 relay, 4x400 relay, L. Hammer. L. Bala, L. Disc, L. Javelin, Length, Height, Pole, Triple. Heptathlon and Decathlon as long as 5 athletes from different teams register
On Friday, March 12 at 12:00, the teams will be able to collect their number, upon delivery of the ticket or proof of payment. TO DEFINE
only 100 mts for men and women will be semifinal and final, the rest of the tests will be final
Note: the maximum hygiene measures must be carried out as indicated by the Mexican Federation of athletics associations in order to give the endorsement of official events, as well as the guidelines established by the state government for the holding of events due to contingency health, as well as clarify that in no event will there be public in the stands and is only limited to athletes, coaches and medical personnel.
For the field tests, they may bring their own implements, being verified by the field referee, one hour before each test.
And they will be sanitized at each launch and at the end of the test
$ 75,000 to distribute to those who break the event records
It will be the current one of the Mexican Federation of Athletics Associations
Technical Officials of this Association
Mandatory to present PCR test valid 3 days before the minimum competition. Mandatory mouth cover, it will be removed only at the time of participating, keep your distance at all times. Non-public, seniors, pregnant women and children under 12 years of age. The Organizing Committee declines all responsibility in case of any accident suffered before, during or after the competition, considering it as a sports risk
Anything not provided for in this call will be resolved by the Organizing Committee.
Luciano Ramirez Gallardo President AANL